Dan Miller Reflects on Joining CNFA’s Ambassador Program


Hand with fish feed and header text “Dan Miller’s Reflects on Joining CNFA’s Ambassador Program”

An aquaculture specialist, West Virginian Dan Miller became a CNFA Farmer-to-Farmer Ambassador this month as part of the John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program in Southern Africa and the Eastern European country of Moldova.

The F2F Ambassador program aims to increase engagement in the United States with the F2F Program through Ambassadors like Miller and bolster the number of first-time volunteers. As an Ambassador this year, Miller will engage with his local community and professional networks to offer outreach and information on the program to organizations and potential first-time participants.

The F2F Program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), sends U.S.-based volunteers, like Miller, on technical assignments to provide hands-on training to communities, cooperatives, agribusinesses, and educational institutions in host countries.

As part of the Program, Miller has volunteered for over 50 days in three countries starting in 2010 outside of Capetown, South Africa at Stellenbosch University. During his assignments he has worked with farmers interested in raising aquatic products for consumption or for sale to help them improve their food security and incomes.

He remembers his assignments well with a particular fondness for his time in Madagascar where he supported two cooperatives and offered his advice on how to cultivate fish along with rice to improve farmers’ and their communities’ nutrition and incomes.

Miller is passionate about his volunteering with F2F, appreciating the information and cultural exchange and positive impact that his knowledge can have on local communities and farmers’ incomes.

“I most enjoy stepping out of my routine and into a challenging environment where my skills are greatly appreciated by the people I train,” he said.

He offered some advice for future volunteers that he hopes to share throughout his presentations to his community and networks.

“Be flexible. Go with the flow. Plans change,” he suggested, “You may just get pleasantly surprised.”



CNFA (Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture)
CNFA (Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture)

Written by CNFA (Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture)

We stimulate economic growth and improve livelihoods by cultivating entrepreneurship.

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